Thanks for the shout out. For sure, any military response to trump's treason will lead to our second civil war, but we're already in it IMHO, we're just waiting for the first shot to be fired. I know patriots can defeat the fascists, but who will defeat the widespread ignorance that led to their rise?

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"Who will defeat the widespread ignorance that led to their rise?" I hope this isn't a rhetorical question bathed in defeatism. We could look to history.

We can consider the Civil War as an example of widespread ignorance, along the bigotry and economics, that led to the rise of the Confederacy. We see what we hoped would be the ultimate defeat which didn't end wiht Lee surrendering to Grant at Appomattox. It took decades for the Civil Rights Movement to result in actual laws. Even this did not defeat ingnorance and bigotry. (By coincidence, today marks the 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma.)

Perhaps a better example is World War II and modern Germany and Japan. Nazism of course was, well, Nazism, and Japan from what understand was more imperialism. That's why I think Germany managing to overcome the widespread ingorance and bigorty (for the most part) is a better example of how this can be achieved. Maybe someone far better versed in history can tell me how the hell Germany did it.

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not defeatism. realism. Germany self corrected, but it took a monster and 60 million deaths to make it so. how long and how many deaths will it take for us to self-correct? no one knows.

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"the ignorance that led to their rise": Yes. Major factors: 1) we have crippled ourselves when faced with sociopaths who choose to take rather than cooperate. We don't slap them down in the playground bully stage, and they learn what they can get away with; 2) we discourage questioning authority; 3) we allow "___ told me it was OK" or "__ to do it" as a defense (see 1, 2); 4) we have nurtured a hate pool of people who resent having been deprived of the services and lives of others that they thought was their due. Right now, we're calling them MAGA. Or angry white men, incels, who expect to be served by women, by people of color, by anyone unlike themselves.

and 5) the coup has been nurtured and facilitated by those greedy for at least one of the prizes -- $$, power, control, fame, power -- and who are skilled in marketing, to the extent of propaganda, psychological techniques/ mind control, mob boss power, lies, and getting away with it unchallenged. Everyone following da prez is expecting returns on their investment without the actual exposure as who/what they are.

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Just read this from Mary Trump: 'Literally no kindness': Trump family member laughs when asked about President's nice acts - https://www.rawstory.com/no-kindness-mary-trump/

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Thanks for comments and ollowing my Substacks. Children who end up as adult bullies can be identified quite early in childhood.

They push the limits and get away with whatever they can. No school anti-bully program can do more than help the victims. Look at Trump, his childhood anti-social behavour led to being sent to military school and that only put a pasue on his acting out.

However they are rarely diagnosed as anti-social personalities, ASP (sociopaths) then. The may meet criteria for being diagnosed as oppositional defiant disorder or a general conduct disorder. What parent wants to be told their kids is a budding sociopath? Maybe they should be - although some of the parents may be sociopaths too.

Experts want to see longevity in symptoms before giving such a drastic diagnosis. However if you look at any adult ASP like Trump and his henchmen you will see that they had signs in childhood.

Unfortunately while therapy is effective with many childhood mental disorders none is consider even moderately successful with these kids.

Perhaps Musk can develop a brainchip implant to help them... sorry, that isn't at all funny...

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