Thank you for the comment. I just saw the following: "WSJ editorial board takes a swipe at 'desperate' Trump 'tilting toward a sellout' " - this of course is the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal. https://www.rawstory.com/wsj-trump-2671185265/. They at least are not being mealy mouthed. Now the question is will this have any impact on the MAGA GOP.

Excerpt: The conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board expressed serious concerns over President Donald Trump's concessions to Russia on Ukraine this week, writing that he "tilts toward a Ukraine sellout."

In recent days, Trump — who has cozied up with Russian President Vladimir Putin since the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 presidential election — has backed off the longtime stance the U.S. has held in solidarity with Europe to protect Ukraine from the yearslong, brutal Russian invasion, falsely suggesting Ukraine started the war and offering up "peace" proposals that one-sidedly give all concessions to Russia.

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NAILED LIKE LIKE THE TRUTH IT IS…I REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR…I WAS 4 yo but it sealed my COUNTRY/PLANET FIRST, to this day. I am reliving the nightmare of DEC 7th, ‘41, every day now, but at 87 yo, I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING THE HITLER AND MONEY BAGS that are trying to kill our CONSTITUTION.

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I agree. The European Union needs to take control and give Ukraine every kind of possible support. Trump will give Putin most of Eastern Europe right out the gate and will threaten the rest in short order.

This is the kind of rhetoric our leaders need to use. Almost all our leaders are mealy mouthed appeasers.

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